Why Evergreentel?
At EvergreenTel, WHO we are is the integrity of our company and to the industry. We have hundreds of years in experience and professional skills focused in enterprise communications. Many of us are from manufacturers such as AT&T, Nortel, and ROLM, and some of the country’s largest providers and interconnects.
We have the ability to provide you with what we believe are the very best applications and services — you will find us exceptional when it comes to saving YOU money!

At EvergreenTel, we BELIEVE that integrity starts with understanding who you are, not who we are! What is your business, what technology can enhance your edge, what services can support your needs? What is your current infrastructure investment, how can you best utilize it, and how can we compliment with meaningful solutions? Communications environment can and should be effective.
Frequently, businesses are advised or even forced to make extensive changes “forklift” or “rip & replace” their telephony environment. Who can justify, manage and absorb the cost of downtime, employee retraining, and business disruption in an environment of fiscal responsibility. Nevermind the overall dissatisfaction when it doesn’t work as sold.

At EvergreenTel, what we DO is what you need us to do. Understand your business, identify missing technical capabilities and/or performance inefficiencies.
Our goal is to save you money while improving your business with intuitive tools and top performing technical solutions.
What we don’t do is sell you something you don’t need!
At EvergreenTel, the next step is for you to ACT upon your curiosity. How can you truly save money, can you effectively enhance your old Nortel communications tools, can you protect your current desktop investment? Don’t jump into that upgrade quote without some due diligence… what do you have to loose, except for your money.
EvergreenTel is committed to work for you, we have no other agenda.